About Us

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We offer methods to increase your output and teamwork

YYou work seventy percent of the time you are awake. Media Technologies’ purpose is to provide you with the necessary tools and technology to perform your job efficiently, making that time engaging and demanding. Your company will become more efficient and you will become more productive as a result.

Obtain the top systems for managing agencies

To assist in managing their operations, agencies require the appropriate hardware and software solutions. For this reason, we have teamed up with Deltek, one of the top providers of project-based software and professional services in the world, serving tens of thousands of customers worldwide. We take great pride in being resellers of WorkBook and ConceptShare, two of their top-notch software solutions for agencies.

PPC Agency Software

The greatest options available to meet your needs

Software for Project Management

An agency needs a multitude of systems to make up for the deficiencies in generic project management solutions.

Many of those systems are difficult to use and lack intuitiveness, which wastes time or, worse, forces staff members to come up with ineffective workarounds.

Spreadsheets and email are used by far too many agencies for management. Which of those sounds like your organization?

A Whole Creative Agency Administration Framework

Because Media Technologies’ solutions are developed by seasoned professionals in the field, they are designed to offer creative and internal agencies a complete end-to-end solution.

They have tools built in to assist your agency in handling pitches, briefs, and even retainer work.

Learn more about the benefits WorkBook and ConceptShare can offer your organization.

Applications to Increase Revenue

Our speciality is offering professional services to companies, such as advertising agencies, software that increases the profitability of their projects and the effectiveness of their resources.

Leading firms in the field use our software, and our team of professionals has over 20 years of expertise dealing with professional services companies.

We know you'll enjoy working with us.

Our Principles

We think big things are possible when we work together.


Being professional means that we make a conscious effort to conduct ourselves and our work with dignity and respect. We always prioritize our clients and have high expectations for both ourselves and one another.


Since we think that innovation is the key to success, we are constantly searching for fresh, creative ideas for our products, collaborators, and methods of operation.


We think that both as a group and as individuals, we should always be developing and expanding. We welcome change and are constantly seeking methods to do better. The secret to success is change.


At Media Technologies, we strive to build a solid community among our partners, clients, suppliers, and employees. We can connect, innovate, and work together better with this community.


Authenticity is what we aim for in all we do. We think it's critical to be sincere and truthful with our partners, staff, and clients. We adhere to our principles.


We provide and carry out excellent services while taking responsibility for our actions.

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What we will provide for you

Our goal is to equip agencies with the necessary resources so they can grow and prosper. Get in touch with us to learn more.

We never exchange data. We value your privacy.